Find out which group you were assigned to:
By clicking on the link above or below you will be taken to a photo album that has all of the groups named and labeled by the chronological order in which they were developed. Please go through the labels and look for your name. If you cannot find it message “+Sam Gomnicck” (our course profile) on google+ (Here is a tutorial on how to send a private message over google+) You also have the option of asking for your group in the “Help and Support” section of the MOOC Google+ Community.
Group Communities:
Once you have found your group you can visit the links below to find private Google+ Communities that have formed for the groups. These G+ Communities were formed by students in the groups and you may need to request to join, even if you know you are a member of that group, in order to see the content of that private group community.
If you do not see a link to your group below it could mean that A) the instructors do not have a link to your community and need to be notified it exists ASAP, or B) You are the first person to see the need for the community to exist which means you can go ahead and create a Googl+ Community for your group. (Here is a tutorial for How to form a Google+ Community). If you do create a group community please remember to add your instructors to the community by inviting them. (Instructors = Sam Gomnicck, Patrick Yurick, Devin Larson, and Adam Greenfield). After it is created send +Sam Gomnicck a message with the link to the Community so that he can add the link to the list below.
Group 1
Group 2
Group 3
Group 4
Group 5
Group 6
Group 7
Group 8
Group 9
Group 10
Group 11
Group 12
Group 13
Group 14
Group 15
Group 16
Group 17
Group 18
Group 19
Group 20
Group 21
Group 22
Group 23
Group 24
Group 25
Group 26
Group 27