Have you ever wanted to ask your favorite comic creator a question? Maybe listened to a podcast and thought, I could ask a better question than that? Well, here’s your chance.
We at MakingComics.com are working on designing a new Gutter Talk project (which may potentially be unveiled as a panel at San Diego Comic-Con International 2018 – yes, THAT Comic-Con) and both the questions and the guests will be determined by you. We’ve been so blown away by the overwhelming positive response by learners in our “How To Make A Comic Book” Coursera course that we’ve decided we want you to be the center of what we are doing next.
“…it ain’t about how hard ya hit. It’s about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward.”
Rocky Balboa’s inspirational speech to his son in the 2006 installment into the Rocky franchise is definitely the inspiration for this show. There’re a lot of projects I work on right. Art, design, and educational experiences I am currently slaving away over. I spend a lot of time, and incur a good deal of mental anguish, trying to figure out what the “right” thing to do is as a day job. When Rocky talks about taking hits, in my context that is all about my own personal demons regarding my design process. My own shadow/devil on my shoulder telling me I’m wasting my time.
Last month, I’ll be honest, I almost considered #ComicFuel a waste of my time. Three episodes in and I was ready to give up.
I almost didn’t finish episode 3. Even during the process of doing it, I didn’t want to finish it. I did finish, barely, and then I swore to myself that I wasn’t going to do another episode the same way again (if I did another episode). So I called Adam and asked him to record a quick episode where we powered through a ton of questions. It turned into a longer episode.
As I sat down with Adam Greenfield this week to record the fourth episode of #ComicFuel I was reminded why I do this. Sure, this episode is WAY too long ( cough-2hoursand14minutes-cough ), but who cares? I got to sit down with my friend and answer some student questions and talk about how to practice art. In my ideal retirement scenario I would spend every day doing this.
I was reminded that MakingComics.com is the purely “good” thing that I have in my life. For me this is the one sacred space in this whole universe where everything we do is just good. We aren’t always active, or on time with our products, and they aren’t always produced with the kind of quality I’d like – but at their core they are good. We’ve made decision after decision to not turn this into a project that will go anywhere (i.e we are staying here for good). It isn’t a startup business – it is a public service. That is what makes it “good”. It hasn’t been tainted by the threats of being economically unviable – because it isn’t.
I thought I was done after my 2 hour session with Adam. Then…
The Gutter Talk syndicate moves forward into its eighth month and yeah, we also feel like this thing just started yesterday, too. And in those eight months, we’ve had a mind-blowing array of guests, from artists to writers to editors to publishers. Still, there’s one area of making comics that we would be remiss if we didn’t talk about, marketing and printing your comic. Even if your main avenue is webcomics, there’s something in here for you. How so? Listen and find out.
Adam takes the podcast on the road and heads to the site of Haichris Inc., a local San Diego marketing and print shop, to talk to the president of the company, Dan Mashburn. Listen in as Dan discusses building relationships with the Comic Making Guys (CMGs) and even defines happiness.
Fresh off a very successful Kickstarter campaign, Marisa Stotter, the director and producer of “She Makes Comics,” a documentary about the history and current state of women in the comics industry, joins Adam and first-time co-host Marisa Brenizer on the podcast. Ok, so maybe it’s a little confusing to have two Marisa’s on one show. But we think it only made sense. There is, however, a slight variation in pronunciation. Download the episode or click play in the player below to hear the difference, and more importantly a tremendous conversation with Marisa Stotter and her passion behind the “She Makes Comics” documentary.
The next time you think to yourself, “I am just way too busy,” please consider this podcast you’re about to listen to. How writer, artist, teacher, and literal jack of all trades Jim Zub even found the time to sit down for an hour with us is as mysterious as what the writers were thinking with the last season of LOST. At times it is a bit harrowing listening to Jim describe his day. Then you look at his amazing work, the result of stacking those seemingly endless days of creative output, and end up scooting your chair back in, grabbing a pencil, and sketching out your next idea or writing that last page or chapter. Join Adam and Mark as they steal an hour from Jim Zub’s time to talk about… well, Jim Zub’s time.
Before there was Gutter Talk, and as crazy as it sounds there was life before Gutter Talk, Jason Brubaker released numerous podcasts of his own and published them on Making Comics (dotCom) 1.0. When the baton was passed to Patrick Yurick and the gang, there was some concern Jason’s podcasts would end up lost, never to be heard from again, like that one sock that gets eaten by the drier. Or something. Well, the intent to re-release these amazing conversations with even more amazing artists was there from the beginning of Making Comics (dotCom) 2.0. We just needed to grow into our ears a little bit and figure out how to walk. Now that we no longer seem to be having gravity issues, it just seemed like the right time to re-release Jason’s podcasts.
This is the first re-issue of many to come with Jason Brubaker. In this episode, Jason’s guest and sometimes co-host Daniel Lieske.
Sometimes a conversation takes on a life of its own, and unexpected tangents are guaranteed. In that respect, this podcast did not disappoint! What began as a thumbnail discussion with Jason Brubaker (creator of reMIND and Sithrah) quickly morphed into a fantastic conversation about his unique comic-creation process. Oh darn. Take a listen and enjoy for yourself!