Posts Tagged: harakiri kane

107: Dean Haspiel #2 (Part 2) – Gutter Talk Podcast

If you’re reading this but haven’t yet listened to the first half of the conversation between Adam Greenfield and Dean Haspiel, well, what you’re about to listen to probably won’t make sense. Therefore we highly suggest going here and listening to that first. Trust us, this episode will make more sense if you listen to the previous half first. If you’re one of those weirdos that reads the last chapter or page of a book before you read everything else, well, do your thing but we don’t trust you. Just sayin’.

If you’ve listened to the first half and are ready to go, enjoy. Again, if you’re a weirdo and haven’t listened to the first half yet, you’ve been warned.


107: Dean Haspiel #2 (Part 1) – Gutter Talk Podcast

When Adam and Dean Haspiel first recorded a Gutter Talk episode, it was September of 2015. In those two years, plenty has happened for both. However, that’s still not the reason why, just as with the first time they spoke, this episode is also two hours long. In fact, it’s so long it had to be separated into two parts. You can find Part 2 here. As for the reasons why their talk went over two hours, well, the reasons vary widely. There’s what Baltimore Comic Con does right but what New York Comic Con does wrong. There’s the positives and negatives of being an artist in the digital world we find ourselves in. There’s also talk of fan entitlement when it comes to comics versus perhaps having a reason for their gripes. And all that’s only part of what Adam and Dean discussed.

Again, this is the first half of the two hour conversation. The second half should already be in your podcast feed, or you can find it here in this separate post. No, we’re not trying to confuse you. Keep you on your toes, maybe. But not confuse you. Definitely not confuse you. In this case it may just be an unfortunate side effect, and for that we apologize. However, we won’t try to stop you if you want to head over to our Patreon page and help us figure out a way to make this not happen again.
