Posts Tagged: High Tech High

93: The Graphic Novel Project at Wondercon 2016 – Gutter Talk Podcast

Once again, the Making Comics crew invades Wondercon and this year’s raid was pretty epic. Ok, maybe epic is overstating things and perhaps overused but it sure as heck felt that way. Why did it feel that way? Because this year we not only had our standard Gutter Talk panel but we partnered up with high school students from the Graphic Novel Project at High Tech High in Chula Vista, CA, too. To put the proverbial cherry on top, we even had a table in a prime location on the floor.

If you’re not familiar with the Graphic Novel Project, it’s an after school student volunteer program that is designed to teach students the ins and outs of making a comic, from conceptualization to production to even the business side of marketing and selling the product. What made it really special was that the students got to participate in this year’s Gutter Talk panel. Imagine being a 15 year old student sitting up on stage at one of the more major comic conventions in the country and talking about yourself and the work you put into the project. Those opportunities don’t come along all that often and as you’ll hear in this episode, the students understand this.

In this Gutter Talk episode, Adam narrates the way through the various topics. On the panel along with the students is the Making Comics CEO and head elf, Patrick Yurick, his wife and our education guru, Kay Flewelling, and the student mentor and Making Comics editor-in-chief Kevin Cullen. We cover a wide range of topics from an artist’s diet to the transformation from a single comic into a collection of comics to how and why the group shrank from thirteen students to five. And no, it wasn’t because they ate the weak ones.




The Story Behind the “How To Make A Comic Book MOOC”

Reposted from

In November 2015 Coursera granted the High Tech High Graduate School of Education & Making Comics Worldwide $10,000 to create a project oriented massive open online course based on a proposal I submitted in October. This may sound like a lot of money, but it isn’t. Last year I created a course that was half of the size and had roughly five times the budget called the “Learning Mindsets & Skills MOOC”. To be fair, the LMS MOOC was one that had a more content specialist involvement and multimedia generated for it (videos, podcasts, etc.). For the comic MOOC I was able to draw on a multitude of great readings & podcasts from within and from outside of it — as well as my own exptertise as a comic book educator.


How To Make A Comic Book Online Course Available Now

First Week Available Now, Full Course Available 2/15/2016

Available 2/15/2016:

Making Comics Worldwide  & the High Tech High Graduate School of Education is proud to announce our first fully online project based learning learning experience: How To Make A Comic Book. This six-week MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) will walk learners through the process of making their very first comic book. Aimed at learners ages 13 and up, we constructed the course to serve as an example of our approach to constructing project based learning experiences at High Tech High and to reflect the methods professional comic artists go through when creating.

Quick note before enrolling: The course is free to “Audit”. To receive a course certificate, which unlocks the Coursera assessment sections of the course, users will have to pay $50 or they can apply for financial aid. Course certificates ARE NOT necessary for engagement in the course. If a student or teacher would like to submit assignments off of the Coursera platform they can do so by submitting assignments to the subreddit constructed for the course. All comic creators under the age of 18 are encouraged to check with their parents before joining the subreddit forum area.


This course is taught by Patrick Yurick – the leader of and a former art educator at High Tech High Chula Vista. Patrick now works with the High Tech High Graduate School of Education and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology to design online learning experiences. The course features guest interviews with world-renowned comic book creators – Mark Waid (Daredevil, Superman, Thrillbent, etc.) and Eric Shanower (Age of Bronze & The Marvel Oz Series). The course also features a guest appearance by Laguna College of Art & Design illustration instructor Caleb Cleveland.

The How To Make A Comic Book MOOC is available designed to be completed at your own pace.

How To Make A Comic Book MOOC – Introduction to course from Patrick Yurick on Vimeo.

Read Patrick’s article “The Story Behind The How To Make A Comic Book MOOC” to find out more about the course.


GNP 8 Hour Comic Kickoff!

On Saturday, October 3rd, nine brave students journeyed back to the school they sought all week to escape. Equipped with only their pens, pencils, and as much fortitude as they could muster, the students embarked upon what would forever be known as the 8 HOUR COMIC KICKOFF!  (more…)