[…] Class reading probably included the best thing I read all week: Taste versus Ability […]
[…] I had just wasn’t happening. It wasn’t until my buddy, Mark Luetke, turned me on to an Ira Glass quote. In it, Glass speaks about Taste versus Ability and that, because our taste is so refined, what […]
[…] I’m currently taking a course centered around making a comic (more on that next week), and one of the outside sources linked that most spoke to me was this comic on taste vs ability. […]
This is so true. You totally nailed it, Mark.
Thanks John, but really it was Ira who nailed this one. I just threw some visuals on it.
I don’t think I’ve ever heard/read this quote before, but I read it in Mr. Glass’s voice anyway. When I got to the bottom, i realized why.
Well illustrated! I’m going to have to share this!
Most definitely. I’ve learned even when time an life don’t work out the way you want, just keep fighting through it. The other biggest obstacle I had to overcome was to stop wishing I had Jim Lee’s career.
Thank you.
Some wonderful food for thought. Thank you so much!
Very encouraging.
This is really true I’ve been drawing for 20 years and I still learn things every day to improve as an artist.
Really important message (and a cool Characture of Ira!) especially love the image of the pages building the bridge, such a decent shorthand for the process itself. Fantastic stuff.
I agree, the visual of the paper bridge hit home for me. It’s the perfect way to illustrate it.
Gavin Aung Than’s Zen Pencils version is killer too:
Rhoda Kellog Art educationalists wrote about the idea of a crisis of confidence. A point in our development when our ability to criticise our drawing develops faster than our drawing skill, often triggering a crisis of confidence; it is at this point that many people stop drawing. The way to deal with this is to keep drawing, the advice interestingly and visually given above.
I love it. Thank you.
Excellent! Thanks for doing things like this!
That definitely helped! Thanks a lot! I love the art! 🙂
This is so true and inspiring. THANK YOU
thanks for your comic i really get happy and with a lot of energy to start my project and the most difficult… to stay on it…
It is true and it will take a while but honestly it is amazing drawings and it is so clear to understand it.
thank you
Wow! This one is interesting and motivating at the same time .. Best class reading topic in the How to make comics course.
It is so inspiring. It let me know myself better, haha! Thank you, it really helps. I’m going to save it and read it more often to remind my mind and body that only through working we can get closer to perfection, and efforts = result! And no matter you’re talented or not, have taste or not – success don’t come to the sofa you’re on.
Nice illustration
Brutal honesty I love it. Needed to hear this defined this way, thank you.
I really like the impersonation of the comic page itself – the pure joy it radiates when it is up and visible, the head rolling feeling it gives to the creator and the flat fall, where it finds itself at some point.
The pictures and the author are not the same – if the picture is not what the author wants it to be, it does not mean the author is not good enough, the author is the product of her and his efforts! the the pictures are the byproduct of the authors’ efforts 🙂
Thanks for this!
It is good to know we are not alone in our struggle to work towards something we all believe in. I makes me feel good to know that even the greatest in this field have struggled. It was very encouraging! Thank You 🙂
The video links, PART 1, 2, 3, 4 connected to the video on Taste Vs Ability, just said No Video Available and it said it was private. Will it be up soon?