Posts Tagged: re-issue

57: Jason Brubaker, Daniel Lieske & Jake Parker pt.2 (Classic #11) – Gutter Talk Podcast

Rounding out the month, as we do, is another awesome Jason Brubaker re-issue. In the words of Michael Yakutis, yahoo!

Today’s episode is with Jake Parker, a fantastic artist and instructor, as well as the creator of InkTober, a challenge that tasks the artist to ink one drawing a day for the entire month of October. He is also the creator of a Kickstart project, Drawings, that blew his initial goal out of the water.

Later in the podcast Jason and Jake are joined by Daniel Lieske, also a very successful Kickstarter artist and creator of The Wormworld Saga.

To start off, join Adam and his co-host Michael Yakutis as they discuss some business and a few things they gleaned from this great re-issue episode.


13: Jason Brubaker & Daniel Lieske (Classic #1) – Gutter Talk Podcast

Before there was Gutter Talk, and as crazy asĀ it sounds there was life before Gutter Talk, Jason Brubaker released numerous podcasts of his own and published them on Making Comics (dotCom) 1.0. When the baton was passed to Patrick Yurick and the gang, there was some concern Jason’s podcasts would end up lost, never to be heard from again, like that one sock that gets eaten by the drier. Or something. Well, the intent to re-release these amazing conversations with even more amazing artists was there from the beginning of Making Comics (dotCom) 2.0. We just needed to grow into our ears a little bit and figure out how to walk. Now that we no longer seem to be having gravity issues, it just seemed like the right time to re-release Jason’s podcasts.

This is the first re-issue of many to come with Jason Brubaker. In this episode, Jason’s guest and sometimes co-host Daniel Lieske.
