92: Glen Weldon – MakingComics.com Gutter Talk Podcast

In society, the word “expert” is bandied about way too much. Rarely do you find the person it is referencing is actually an expert, someone with a comprehensive understanding and knowledge of a particular subject or skill. And, if humility is in play, that person wouldn’t call themselves an expert, either. Then there are nerds, or those that are highly focused on a particular subject or skill, and boy, do they seem to be everywhere. Most nerds would think they are experts but any expert would say they’re not.

In today’s Making Comics Gutter Talk episode, Adam is joined by one of the leading experts- uh, nerds- no, great minds in the field of writing about and analyzing comics, Glen Weldon. He has written several books about comics already, including “Superman: The Unauthorized Biography,” so we’re pretty sure he knows a thing or two about a thing or two. It also helps that he’s a weekly contributor to NPR’s Monkey See about all things comics and pop-culture.

A majority of the ground covered by Adam and Glen in this Gutter Talk episode has to do with Glen’s book that was recently published by Simon and Schuster called “The Caped Crusade: Batman and the Rise of Nerd Culture.” Topics included whether or not there actually is a singular Batman or if everyone’s Batman is the right Batman, as well as how nerd-dom has simply become part of the current culture, sports included. Who knew Adam was into sports cosplay?

As a side note, if you happen to be at Wondercon the weekend this episode drops, please be sure to check out the Making Comics Graphic Novel Project table at DL-56. To top it off, we have a panel on Saturday at 11am in room 515A. Don’t miss it! But if you do, no worries. The panel will be released as a podcast in April.

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91: Graham Annable – MakingComics.com Gutter Talk Podcast

We here at Making Comics take pride in the type of things we present to you, the artist and comic creator, from the articles to the tutorials to even our amazing Underdog community. The same goes for the guests we are lucky enough to get on the Gutter Talk podcast. Every guest we’ve had on the podcast and also the panels we’ve had at conventions has been a treat and an honor to have on the show. We really consider ourselves extremely lucky to be able to gain insight and knowledge on how they perform and perfect their craft. This Gutter Talk episode continues that rich tradition in a major way.

In today’s episode, Adam is joined by Graham Annable, the co-director of the Academy Award nominated movie, The Boxtrolls, as well as the amazing animator and artist behind Grickle. One of the more gracious guests we’ve had on the Gutter Talk podcast, the conversations were open windows into Graham’s thought processes as not just the great artist he is but also what it takes to be a director, even if a co-director, on a major stop-motion picture.

The topics ranged from the difficulties and processes of what it’s like to be an effects artist on such an intricate movie (18 months to do a sub-two minute ballroom dance scene?!) to finding the time to create the Grickle shorts while still maintaining a happy, healthy family. It’s not easy but it appears Graham has found his groove. And yet he still manages to find ways to challenge himself within the craft of creating extraordinary art.

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90: Patrick Yurick – MakingComics.com Gutter Talk Podcast

The ultimate goal of Making Comics Worldwide and our website is to provide an extensive educational resource for those that want to, simply put, make comics. These individuals range not just in age, from pre-teens to adults, but also in experience, from those who are just starting out to those that are looking to learn something new to help push their artistic process and ventures to new levels. We even have the testimonials to prove how useful and effective the articles on our site have been to artists.

Still, we strive to do more for the artistic community than just post articles online. It’s why we have the Underdog community and these Gutter Talk podcasts. Now we have, in conjunction with Coursera and also the High Tech High Graduate School of Education, a MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) that is video based in nature. You can find that course by clicking here.

In this Gutter Talk episode, Adam sits down with the Making Comics Worldwide enigmatic, benevolent, and oft-times well-dressed leader to discuss the How To Make a Comics MOOC more in depth. In this talk Adam and Patrick give you an idea of how the course came about, the struggles and joys of putting the course together, and what we at Making Comics Worldwide hope you get out of it. In other words, when you’re big and famous for your art, remember the little people.

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[Special] Daniel Warren Johnson, Royden Lepp, & Jason Brubaker (Coffee Table Comics 2) – MakingComics.com Gutter Talk Podcast

The Making Comics Worldwide headquarters is located in beautiful San Diego. Saying the Making Comics Gutter Talk podcast took a winter break seems somewhat ridiculous, mostly because winter does not really exist in San Diego. Still, that’s exactly what happened and now the podcast is back. Well, sort of.

In this episode, we return to the Coffee Table Comics podcast, the new-ish podcast by artist and creator Jason Brubaker. If you’re not familiar with his work, you really should be. He has put out such work as reMIND and his most current comic Sithrah. This particular episode is the second half of a fantastic conversation between Jason and his guests. On the show is Gutter Talk alumni, Daniel Warren Johnson, the creator of the stupendous comic Space Mullet, and also Royden Lepp, the creator of another amazing comic called Rust.

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[Special] Daniel Warren Johnson, Royden Lepp, & Jason Brubaker (Coffee Table Comics 1) – MakingComics.com Gutter Talk Podcast

It’s the final Making Comics Gutter Talk episode of the year, our second year here with Making Comics Worldwide, and we couldn’t be more excited about this episode. While it is not your standard Gutter Talk podcast you’ve all come to know and love, this is something equally as cool.

Recently we heard from Jason Brubaker, creator of Sithrah and reMIND, and he mentioned how he’s been working on new podcasts to release to the world. He was also curious if we wanted to release them in the Gutter Talk timeline alongside his own posts. Clearly this was a no-brainer.

In this first episode Jason sits down with two amazing comic creators in a roundtable discussion. His guests are Royden Lepp, creator of the comic Rust, and Daniel Warren Johnson, both Gutter Talk alumni and creator of Space-Mullet.

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89: James Mulholland – MakingComics.com Gutter Talk Podcast

Over the last two years, the Making Comics Gutter Talk podcast has been fortunate enough to speak to amazing artists from international locations such as Canada, Australia, and Denmark. In today’s episode, we place a checkmark next to Ireland as Adam sits down with Irish writer and filmmaker James Mulholland. It was borderline middle of the night for James at the time of the conversation but a great conversation was had.

The episode begins with some political soapboxing but we promise, it soon dives into comics and the arts, and also the love James has for the city of Orlando, Florida. Another topic that comes up is the late start James got when getting into comics. It’s just more proof that there is no single path an individual must take to become a comic artist.

One of these days the Making Comics Worldwide crew will travel abroad to spread the good word in person. There’s a reason the word “worldwide” is in our name. But until then, our next best option is to speak to folks outside of the United States through the Gutter Talk podcast. Sure, email works, too, but that’s just not nearly as much fun as speaking to someone online in person-ish. It really is the next best thing. You can take our word for it but we highly advise you listen to this episode with James Mulholland, and other podcasts, for yourself.

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88: Ian McGinty – MakingComics.com Gutter Talk Podcast

As we end Year Two for both Making Comics Worldwide and the Gutter Talk podcast, we’re pretty darn excited and grateful for how far we’ve come and where we’re heading. We have a lot of big plans for the future but before we get too ahead of ourselves, let’s deal with where we currently are.

In today’s Gutter Talk episode, Adam sits down with artist and creator, Ian McGinty, to discuss everything from creating music in his teens to creating comics in his twenties and beyond, and also how the two can sometimes require the same process. It’s also pretty cool and inspiring to see and hear how far Ian has come since his high school days when he began to take comics seriously. While he explains how this came at the expense of something else, the moral is that sometimes the sacrifice is worth the reward. Ian’s recent bouts of success are proof of that.

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87: Joe Badon – MakingComics.com Gutter Talk Podcast

It’s not very often you meet someone that makes it difficult to distinguish if you’re talking to yourself or another person all together. However, in this Making Comics Gutter Talk episode with artist and creator Joe Badon, it seems that’s exactly what happened; Adam has met his soul-twin and he’s a damn fine artist. And not only is he an artist in the drawing sense, but Joe is also an artist in the musical sense. Today’s episode opens with a song called “Monster Zero” from Joe’s band The Band That Wouldn’t Die. It’s a bit experimental but we dig it just the same. It’s perfect to draw or write to, if not both.

This episode is yet another strong example of why being around like-minded peers in a community is an important part of not just becoming an artist but being one, as well. There’s always a certain comfort level during the growing process in knowing not only are you not alone but you’re more alike with others than you may have originally thought. Your ideas, concerns, goals, and sometimes even the same dreams. When you meet someone with these things, you know you’re in for a fantastic conversation.

Download this episode and listen in as Adam is joined by Joe to discuss all things comics. And politics. And other random tangents that seem to happen in Gutter Talk podcasts on a regular basis. By this time, though, you should just be used to it, right?

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86: Stephen Bissette – MakingComics.com Gutter Talk Podcast

It seems the Making Comics Gutter Talk podcast has its first ritual and we couldn’t ask for a better one. You see, last year for Halloween we opened the show with a Vincent Price reading of a classic Edgar Allan Poe tale, which was followed by a fantastic talk with one of the masters in the horror movie and comic genre, Stephen R. Bissette. We had so much fun putting that podcast out that we decided it was imperative this become a regular thing. So we made that happen. You’re welcome.

Last year we opened with Vincent Price masterfully reading Poe’s “The Raven.” This year we have Vincent Price reading Poe’s “The Tell-Tale Heart.” While there may be some who can read a Poe story out loud, not many can give it the respect and justice it deserves like Vincent Price.

Following that Adam is joined again by Stephen Bissette to discuss what he’s been up to the last year, and as it turns out, he’s quite the busy guy. In the conversation they discuss what is needed to create a top-notch horror story, whether it’s in the comic form or otherwise. Stephen brought up what it was like to work with the amazing Alan Moore and how he crafted scripts for artists to work with. Needless to say, mind = blown.

So put your scary mask on and download this episode with Stephen Bissette. When you’re done listening, the amount of tricks and treats in your arsenal will be all the candy you’ll need. You know, until next Halloween when we get to do this again.

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85: Vincent Kings – MakingComics.com Gutter Talk Podcast

Oh, to be young again! Or just young, period. However, don’t let the not-quite-ripe age of 21 fool you when it comes to Vincent Kings, an up and coming artist in the Los Angeles area. He may have the energy of a young buck but he speaks with the depth and wisdom of a wise, old man that has been in the game for ages.

In today’s Making Comics Gutter Talk episode, Vincent travels down to San Diego and over to Adam’s studio (and let’s be honest here, it’s really just his living room) to talk about what it takes to maintain pace and structure as an artist. You’ll also get to hear Vincent discuss some rules and guidelines he does his best to follow in order to aid in not just his successes now but the successes of his future.

Don’t get Vincent wrong, though. He fully understands he has a long way to go before he feels comfortable being the artist he seeks to be, even if that doesn’t happen until his last dying breath. Still, when you hear him speak about his process in both thought and action when it comes to art, you, too, will also question the accuracy of his stated age. Most of all, though, you will find yourself inspired enough to adopt his rules and practice them yourself.

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